Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Welcome and What This Is


This blog is part of a literary expert. At least once a week I submit a post, either third person narrative or part of the diary of the main character, Kurt. I won't tell you much as that is boring. You can read it and discover the world as Jason goes through it. What I will tell you is this genre is horror, it involves zombies, and at least at the start, there is only one survivor. I got this inspiration, aside from being a fan of George A. Romero, from staying alone in Garner apartments on the Stephen F. Austin State University campus during the Christmas break after watching I Am Legend. Nacogdoches (the setting and town Stephen F. is at) is a ghost town during the break when the college students are gone, so I had much to inspire me and it never really left. I slowly realized this is something I could start on and write forever.

If you are going to read this regularly, please use the "Blogger Follower" widget on the right menu. This will help me keep track of the size of my readership and evaluate how much time this blog is worth committing to on a weekly basis.

I hope you enjoy. Feel free to leave comments.

R. Neely

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